In-Game Recipe Challenges

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KFC Challenged Gamers to Complete The Recipe Run in The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom gives players the chance to cook fried chicken and KFC was quick to create the first brand-created speedrun called The Recipe Run. KFC challenged thousands of gamers from 17 different countries to compete in The Recipe Run as fast as possible by cooking their own KFC-style chicken within the video game.

The Recipe Run has users gather chicken, oil, 11 herbs and spices throughout the Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and in collaboration with SRE (@SpeedrunEspanol,) the branded speedrun became a global competition.

Most impressively, KFC Spain succeeded at getting fried chicken cooks to become consumers of its fried chicken, with web traffic increasing by 58% during the days of the action and 44.5% of orders placed via desktop.
Trend Themes
1. In-game Recipe Challenges - Explore the trend of brands creating in-game challenges where players can complete recipes in video games.
2. Branded Speedruns - Discover the rise of branded speedruns as a unique marketing strategy where companies challenge gamers to complete certain objectives in video games.
3. Increased Web Traffic and Orders - Observe the impact of in-game challenges on web traffic and sales, as seen with KFC Spain where web traffic increased by 58% and 44.5% of orders were placed via desktop during the action.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - Consider the potential for fast food chains to create branded in-game challenges to engage with a younger, tech-savvy audience.
2. Gaming - Recognize the opportunity for gaming companies to collaborate with brands and create customized in-game challenges to generate user engagement and brand awareness.
3. E-commerce - Explore the potential for e-commerce platforms to leverage in-game challenges as a marketing tool, resulting in increased website traffic and sales.

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