The 'Pagoda Lamp' is a simple illuminator for the desktop that showcases an architectural aesthetic with an interactive form to make it well-suited for the modern workstation.
The lamp features a series of stacked components that combine to create a multi-tiered form that requires interaction to be activated. The user must twist the lamp to raise or lower the brightness with the completely twisted version acting as the brightest level. The artful decor piece is inspired by Buddhist pagodas as a nod to the path to enlightenment.
The 'Pagoda Lamp' is the design work of Bruce Tao, Zhihao Zhao, Xizi Wang, Li Zhao, Zixing Zhu and Mengyu Su, and provides passive or targeted illumination to suit the preferences or needs of the user.
Traditional Tower-Inspired Lamps
The 'Pagoda Lamp' Takes After Pagodas for a Thoughtful Form
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Lighting - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop interactive lighting solutions that require user interaction for activation.
2. Architectural Aesthetics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate architectural design elements into everyday products for a unique and aesthetically pleasing user experience.
3. Mindful Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create products that are inspired by mindfulness and spirituality, providing a deeper connection to the user.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine functionality and artistic design in interior lighting solutions.
2. Home Decor - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Innovate home decor products that provide a multi-functional and interactive experience.
3. Wellness - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate mindfulness and spirituality into wellness products and solutions for a holistic user experience.