Tango Documentaries

Café de los Maestros

Gustavo Santaolalla created Café de los Maestros as a project to show the world the beauty of tango. The documentary serves as a tribute to the surviving glories of this genre, highlighting the musicians, singers, authors and composers who gave life to the music that originated in in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay.

Mariano Mores, Leopoldo Federico, Ernesto Baffa, Atilio Stampone, Emilio Balcarce Jose Libertella, Virginia Luque, Alberto Podesta, Lagrima Rios and Horacio Salgán collaborate to teach us once again that all you can do to understand tango is to feel it.
Trend Themes
1. Tango Preservation - Creating documentaries and content to preserve the history and significance of tango.
2. Music Documentary - Producing documentaries that highlight musicians, singers, authors and composers, and their significant contributions
Industry Implications
1. Film and Entertainment - Creating, producing, and distributing tango documentaries for streaming services
2. Music Industry - Collaborating with legendary tango musicians to create more content and keep the genre alive.
3. Tourism - Developing tango-related tourism experiences, highlighting the historical and cultural significance of tango.

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