Cinematic GenAI Campaigns

The Know-It Alls by Perplexity is a Movie-Style Trailer

Inspired by an unofficial slogan, "Know It All," generative artificial intelligence startup Perplexity launched its first paid marketing campaign, The Know-It Alls.

Los Angeles-based indie agency Sandwich brought The Know-It Alls to fruition. "They said, ‘We don’t want to make an ad for Perplexity, we want to make a trailer for a movie that doesn’t exist—something about discovery, where the characters subtly use our platform, but the brand is barely present,’" said Sandwich founder Adam Lisagor.

While some timeless storytelling tropes are at play—like the main character who has fallen from grace yet is eager to make a comeback—the trailer was intentionally created to feel as real as possible and avoid having viewers immediately peg it as a fake trailer or parody.

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