Capitalist Alphabets

'The ABCs of Branding' Poster Shows Iconic Symbols

The 'The ABCs of Branding' poster shows you the alphabet with a clever twist; the designer Jason Dean gives the alphabet a new meaning by using letters taken from famous logos.

If you look closely you'll see Disney, McDonald's, Honda, United, Xerox and many more iconic brand logos.

'The ABC's of Branding' are made of embossed foil and come in silver foil on black paper or gold foil on cream.

Implications - The visual appearance of most text has predominantly remained neutral and repetitive -- take Times New Roman font for example. However, companies looking to introduce funky visual displays should consider playing with varying fonts.
Trend Themes
1. Varied Fonts - Companies looking to introduce funky visual displays should consider playing with varying fonts.
Industry Implications
1. Printing and Publishing - There is an opportunity for printing and publishing companies to provide unique and customized font options.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Innovative font choices can help brands create unique and attention-grabbing advertisements.
3. Graphic Design - Graphic designers can explore the use of varied fonts to create visually appealing and impactful designs.

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