AR Tarot Card Readings

Jägermeister's 'Divine the Darke' Halloween Experience Unfolds on Snapchat

For Halloween this year, Jägermeister launched an augmented reality experience on Snapchat dubbed 'Divine the Darke' that gives users of the platform the chance to receive tarot card readings.

To receive a reading, consumers are able to use the Snapcodes included on branded materials from Jägermeister, which can be found in bars and retail spaces. After scanning the code to gain access to the experience on Snapchat, users are able to access a special Snapchat lens for an hour. This lens provides a Snapchat filter based off of the tarot card provided as part of one's reading, which also helps to determine one's "Jägermeister cocktail fate."

While a classic tarot card deck is made up of certain archetypal characters, Jägermeister's unique deck introduces The Herbologist, The Stag and more.
Trend Themes
1. AR Tarot Readings - More brands could incorporate augmented reality experiences to provide engaging and personalized consumer experiences.
2. Snapchat Marketing - Other beverage brands could use Snapchat or other social media platforms to reach a younger and more tech-savvy demographic.
3. Non-traditional Promotions - Brands could explore creative and unique ways to market their products and services, such as incorporating tarot card readings into their campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - Beverage brands could create similar experiences to reach younger consumers and stand out in a crowded market.
2. Marketing - Marketing agencies could work with their clients to explore non-traditional ways to promote their products and services, utilizing the latest technology and trends.
3. Entertainment - Entertainment companies could leverage augmented reality technology to create unique and immersive experiences for their audiences.

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