SMS Customer Complaint Services

'Talk to the Manager' Instantly Connects Diners with Management

Talk to the Manager (TTTM) is a new company that makes it easier to deal with customer complaints. TTTM connects frustrated/happy diners directly to a restaurant’s ownership and management. The service offers business a dedicated phone number that customers can text their complaints/praises to.

Talk to the Manager is so simple that it makes you wonder why it wasn’t around earlier. For $29 a month, businesses will receive a dedicated phone number and pre-printed signs and stickers that advertise the number. Customers who text the number are assigned a number themselves, making it easy to track and resolve complaints. Should a customer abuse their power to text management/ownership, they can be blocked. In addition to helping customers get their questions and concerns answered, TTTM lets businesses instantly know exactly what works and what needs improvement.
Trend Themes
1. Direct Access Restaurant Management - Restaurant service that directly connects customers with management through a dedicated phone number offer opportunities for businesses to improve the customer experience and handle complaints more quickly.
2. Personalized Customer Support - The use of personalized numbers assigned to customers who use the service facilitates personalized customer support and the opportunity for businesses to review and analyze feedback for actionable insights.
3. Sms-based Customer Support - SMS-based customer support services, like Talk to the Manager, offer businesses an easy and cost-effective way to handle customer complaints while offering a more seamless customer experience.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality Industry - Restaurants, hotels, and lodging businesses in the hospitality industry can leverage TTTM's service to provide immediate access to management and improve overall guest experience.
2. Mobile Communication Industry - SMS-based customer service platforms can create a new market segment for the mobile communication industry, providing cost-effective support services for businesses.
3. Customer Service Industry - The use of customer service platforms like TTTM present possible disruption opportunities for the traditional customer service industry, like call centers, offering more personalized, real-time support.

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