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Candid Conflict-Filled Videos

Save the Children’s Video Captures the Lives of Syria’s Children

Reminding us that just because things aren’t happening in our lives directly doesn’t mean they are not happening around the world every day, this devastatingly sad portrayal of life for Syria's children is heartbreaking. 

The haunting and reality confronting Save the Children video shows viewers what life is like for some of Syria’s children who have been living in political warfare and dangerous and lethal chaos for three years now.  

Taking a little girl living in the comfortable and safe western world, the video shows us what life would be like for her if things were to change and how life would be like for her if it were similar to that in Syria. 

Inspired by the 5 million young people displaced and affected by the Syrian conflict, this video powerfully reminds viewers why they need to be more aware of the atrocities happening around the world.

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