Delightful Psychological Lights

The Synapse Table Lamp Was Inspired by Living Mind Mechanisms

Great thought went into the design of the Synapse Table Lamp, in more ways than one. Obviously, function, form and decoration were taken into consideration, but the actual science of thought was integrated as well. You might not see it without an explanation but the shape of these quirky illuminators comes from the architecture of nerve cells in the brain.

Modeled on the twig-like axon that sends signals to recipient dendrites, this little light fixture extends outwards from a tripod base of three tiny branches. Each of these has a small wooden foot and points upwards with a bright beautifully blown lightbulb. Alexandra Denton finished the Synapse Table Lamp with playful colors like aqua, pale green and blue. Whether you're fascinated by psychology or not, these items will capture your attention.
Trend Themes
1. Neuroscience-inspired Design - Companies can develop products that are inspired by the science of thought to create unique and eye-catching designs.
2. Playful Lighting Fixtures - Designers can experiment with playful colors and shapes for lighting fixtures to make them more appealing to consumers.
3. Incorporating Science Into Design - Designers can explore incorporating scientific concepts into their design process to create new and innovative products.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Interior Designers can use neuroscience-inspired lighting fixtures to add a unique touch to their designs.
2. Lighting Manufacturing - Lighting manufacturing companies can explore incorporating science and unique shapes and colors to create more eye-catching and appealing lighting fixtures.
3. Home Decor Retail - Home decor retailers can showcase playful and unique lighting fixtures to appeal to a wider range of customers and set themselves apart from competitors.

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