Cattle Branding Kids

Shocking Ads Portray Impact of Child Abuse

Trend Hunter recently featured a very disturbing and powerful public service announcement video that shows the lasting effects of sexual abuse which haunt the victims to their dying bed. The Child Protection Foundation of Thailand has released an equally powerful print ad campaign illustrating the fact that removing the effects of child sexual abuse is very hard, even impossible, and that protection is the solution.

Their message is driven home by two ads entitled "Anal S_ex" and "Oral S_ex" which depict a young boy in utter pain after having an image of the perverted abuse carved/ stamped on his chest with a red-hot metal stamp.

I find the campaign, which was done by Creative Juice\G1, Bangkok, totally brilliant. The pain on the child's face coupled with the stamp on his flesh leave no doubt about the lasting effects of these horrible acts.

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Trend Themes
1. Child Abuse Awareness - Businesses supporting organizations focused on child protection and advocacy can bring awareness to child abuse and its negative impact on society.
2. Shock Advertising - By using shocking visuals and messages, organizations can bring attention to important issues like child abuse and promote action towards solving the problem.
3. Creative Advocacy Campaigns - Businesses can use creativity in their advocacy campaigns to bring attention to important social issues and drive positive change.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit - Non-profit organizations that focus on child protection and advocacy can utilize creative advocacy campaigns to bring awareness to child abuse and its impact.
2. Marketing/advertising - Marketing and advertising businesses can use the tactics of shock advertising to promote social advocacy and awareness campaigns.
3. Social Services - Social service organizations working with victims of child abuse can use these powerful visuals in their campaigns to bring attention to the issue and encourage positive action towards solutions.

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