The Swing Toothpaste may look like a playful tweak at first, perhaps one geared towards children, but it actually serves a much greater purpose then simply having a little fun in the morning. Through the application of centrifugal force, the Swing Toothpaste pushes the contents towards the front. This is achieved by twirling the tube in one direction and one direction only.
Designed by Sungmin Hong, Yubin Choi, Yun Kim, Mi Jang and Seokgyu Hwang of Dankook University, the Swing Toothpaste solves a pesky everyday problem. Squeezing the tube never seems to get out all of the toothpaste. Short of cutting it in half, a lot of the toothpaste often goes to waste. The Swing Toothpaste hopes to change that. All a person needs to do is stick their finger in the hole.
Twirling Toothpaste Tubes
The Swing Toothpaste Pushes the Toothpaste to the Front
Trend Themes
1. Centrifugal Force Toothpaste Dispenser - The use of centrifugal force in toothpaste dispensers can solve the problem of wasted toothpaste left in tubes.
2. Child-friendly Toothpaste Dispenser - Toothpaste dispensers marketed towards children can incorporate fun and playful designs to encourage good oral hygiene habits.
3. One-way Toothpaste Dispenser - Toothpaste dispensers designed to twist in only one direction can simplify the process of dispensing toothpaste.
Industry Implications
1. Oral Care Industry - Innovations in toothpaste dispenser design can give companies a competitive edge and enhance user experience.
2. Children's Products Industry - Toothpaste dispensers with playful and child-friendly designs can attract young consumers and encourage good oral care habits.
3. Home Products Industry - Innovations in home products such as toothpaste dispensers can simplify daily routines and improve overall quality of life.