$100K Summer Swimming Job

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Online Marketplace Swimply is Hiring a Chief Pools Officer

Swimply offers a $100K summer swimming job from July to September. An online marketplace called Swimply, offers pool-related rental services on an hourly basis. Through the app, consumers can book pools, homes, rentals, and more.

The job title is Chief Pools Officer, and the lucky new hire will travel across 50 states to create swimming-related content for social media. Their role involves documenting the experience and creating an expert guide. The Chief Pools Officer will travel from the Pacific Northwest to resort-style hotels and retreats in Miami.

This job involves creating social media content. The Chief Pools Officer acts as a brand ambassador, reaching large audiences and creating brand awareness. Viewing the content from Swimply also adds a personal touch, creating engagement and brand loyalty.
Trend Themes
1. Gig Economy Roles - High-paying, short-term contracts like the Chief Pools Officer position illustrate an evolving gig economy that offers specialized, seasonal, and substantial employment opportunities.
2. Experience-based Content Creation - Roles focused on documenting and sharing personalized experiences for social media highlight the increasing importance of content creation in brand storytelling and engagement.
3. Location-based Marketing - Hiring individuals to travel and generate content in various geographic locations underscores the power of location-based marketing to enhance brand visibility and relevance.
Industry Implications
1. Travel and Tourism - The integration of travel with content creation for broad social media audiences indicates new ways for the travel and tourism industry to boost engagement and attract visitors.
2. Social Media Marketing - Platforms and businesses investing in roles that create immersive social media content reveal growing trends in leveraging authentic and experiential marketing strategies.
3. Hospitality Services - Offering unique roles centered around experiential content within hospitality services reflects an innovative approach to enhancing guest experiences and marketing outreach.

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