Deceptive Shampoo Campaigns

Suave Professionals Has Released a Creative Ad to Market Its Shampoo

Suave Professionals is an affordable hair care brand that created a unique campaign in order to alter the way consumers view the brand.

Due to the brand's low cost, consumers are less likely to view it as a high quality hair care product. Suave Professionals wanted to change that perception, and came up with a fake concept brand to do this. It named the brand 'Evaus' (Suave spelled backwards), and packaged its regular Strengthening Honey Infusion shampoo in sleek, minimalist bottles. The brand then asked women to try the Evaus brand without them knowing that it was really Suave, and filmed them complimenting it and its quality. The brand then reveals the shampoo's true origins, and as a result flips viewers' perspective on how quality should not be determined based on the branding or cost of the product in question.

Suave Professionals' creative twist on standard shampoo commercials works to enforce that the brand focuses on quality, despite its products' affordability.
Trend Themes
1. Reverse Branding - Brands can create new identities or fake concept brands to alter consumer perceptions and challenge preconceived notions.
2. Minimalist Packaging - Sleek and minimalist packaging can enhance the perceived quality of a product, regardless of its actual cost.
3. Authenticity Marketing - Highlighting the true origins of a product through marketing campaigns can help shift consumer perspectives and challenge stereotypes.
Industry Implications
1. Hair Care - Hair care brands can explore reverse branding techniques to challenge consumer perceptions of quality based on affordability.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing agencies can leverage minimalist packaging and authenticity marketing to create compelling campaigns that challenge conventional notions of branding.
3. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods companies can adopt authenticity marketing strategies to disrupt traditional branding approaches and drive consumer engagement.

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