Modern athletics has been one of the areas to most immediately benefit from developments in movement-tracking technology, whether with fitness wearables at the amateur level or advanced image analysis systems in professional tiers. However, Australian sports technology company 'Sports Performance Tracker' is looking to bring a professional degree of analysis to amateurs with its newest product, the SPT2. And while the technological functionality behind the wearable performance-tracker is sure to keep amateur athletes interested, they're likely to be initially intrigued by its unique form factor: the tech-laden men's garment looks like a sports bra.
Whereas professional sports teams have thousands — if not millions — to spend on performance-tracking devices, amateur teams and individuals have far more restricted budgets to work with. That said, the benefits of advanced movement-tracking are such that a small investment can be worth it, given the right price. At about $250, the STP2 might be a worthwhile gambit.
The nylon chest piece carries a GPS unit and pairs with a software platform (called Gametraka) via Bluetooth to monitor, track, and manage performance data. Gametraka provides an impressively granular breakdown of performance over any given period, giving coaches and athletes alike insights on their performances over the entirety of a season. This smart training and strategizing ultimately outfits teams with an edge over the competition, so long as they're willing to accept the shape of that outfit.
Performance-Tracking Sports Bras
The SPT2 Looks Like a Bra, But It Packs in Pro-Level Analytics
Trend Themes
1. Performance-tracking Sportswear - The development of analytics-packed sportswear presents disruptive innovation opportunities for sports retail and tech companies.
2. Affordable Professional-grade Technology - Providing affordable professional-grade performance-tracking technology presents disruptive innovation opportunities for sports tech startups.
3. Amateur Sports Teams Technology - The use of advanced movement-tracking technology for amateur sports teams presents disruptive innovation opportunities for sports equipment manufacturers.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Retail - Sports retailers can benefit from selling advanced performance-tracking sportswear to amateur athletes.
2. Sports Technology - Sports tech companies can benefit from developing affordable professional-grade performance-tracking technology.
3. Sports Equipment Manufacturing - Sports equipment manufacturers can benefit from incorporating advanced movement-tracking technology in their products to specifically target amateur sports teams.