Spoofing Presidents for Human Rights

Iran, Russia & USA 'Crazy Leaders'

The presidents of Iran, Russia and the US take a beating from Amnesty International in its latest ad.

Unlike it's usual serious and graphic campaigns, Amnesty International went for a light comical approach with this TV spot entitles, "Crazy Leaders".

Created by German agency Scholz & Friends, the spot shows world leaders such as George Bush, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Dmitry Medvedev doing tricks and playing like kids instead of tackling the important issues they're supposed to take care of.

The commercial was directed by Benjamin Wolff with art director Sara Vieira and cinematographer Lutz Hattenhauer.
Trend Themes
1. Humorous Activism on Political Issues - Humorous activism can be a more engaging way for organizations to draw attention to and raise awareness of political issues, as demonstrated by Amnesty International's latest ad.
2. Comedic Approach to Serious Issues - Organizations can utilize a light, comedic approach to addressing serious topics to bring attention to their cause.
3. Use of Public Figures in Activism - Incorporating public figures, especially political leaders, in activism campaigns can be an effective way to bring attention to social issues.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit Organizations - Non-profit organizations, like Amnesty International, can utilize humor and unconventional approaches to raise awareness and donations for their causes.
2. Advertising - Advertising companies like Scholz & Friends can take on more unconventional approaches to ad campaigns that incorporate comedy and public figures.
3. Activism and Advocacy - Organizations focused on activism and advocacy can look to use humor as a means to bring attention to their causes and promote social change.

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