A wise person once said that beauty is found in the flaws, and these Spalted Stools by Don Howell prove this statement undeniably. Contrary to some, this maker of fine wooden furniture does not seek out unblemished beams and knot-free lumber, since he greatly appreciates the organic designs produced by fungal decay.
There are so many things to love about these sliced stump seats, having been cut from tree trunks like coined pieces of carrot. They reveal the plants' fine rings that represent years of life, as well as the natural shapes that these great stems grew to embody.
The black ink-like lines that grace the lumber's inner layers are sapstain left over from fungi's earlier meal, and these arguably give Spalted Stools by Don Howell more character than a talented human hand could muster.
Sickly Stump Seating
Spalted Stools by Don Howell Cure Infested Forest Finds
Trend Themes
1. Organic Design - Creating products that embrace natural imperfections and organic designs, like spalted stools, allows for unique and visually interesting pieces.
2. Fungal Decay Utilization - Using wood affected by fungal decay to create furniture and other products presents an opportunity to repurpose and bring new life to infested forests.
3. Sapstain Aesthetics - Incorporating the ink-like lines left by fungi as a design element in wood products adds character and uniqueness.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Furniture manufacturers can explore the use of fungal decayed wood to create unique and environmentally friendly designs.
2. Home Decor - Home decor companies can incorporate spalted stools and other fungus-affected wood items to provide customers with one-of-a-kind pieces that embrace imperfections.
3. Woodworking Supplies - Suppliers of woodworking materials and tools can tap into the growing demand for spalted wood by offering specialized products for creating unique furniture and decor.