Tropical Modernism Stage Designs

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A Team of Designers Form a South Asian Stage at Glastonbury

A range of set designers Shirin Naveed, Shankho Chaudhuri, and Esha Sikander work together to create a dedicated South Asian stage at this year's Glastonbury festival, functioning like a small nightclub. It is a space that only plays music from South Asian Artists and it is made with cultural collectives Dailled In, Going South, and Daytimers.

All of the efforts aim to create a space for upcoming musicians across the diaspora. Chaudhuri speaks to Dezeen about the design process, stating "Orientalism is bedded into sci-fi. What if there existed a canon of sci-fi that centred the South Asian experience? This was a way to reclaim and recontextualise a lot of those references through our own community."
Trend Themes
1. Cultural Heritage Stage Designs - Stage designs that incorporate cultural heritage and unique artistic influences to create immersive experiences for audiences.
2. Diaspora-focused Music Spaces - Specialized music spaces aimed at showcasing the talents of musicians from diverse diasporas, providing them with dedicated platforms.
3. Reclaimed Narratives in Design - Design practices that reclaim and reinterpret narratives, offering fresh perspectives through culturally-informed aesthetics and themes.
Industry Implications
1. Event Production - Opportunities for the event production industry to create culturally rich and exclusive experiences for diverse audience segments.
2. Music and Entertainment - The music and entertainment industry could see new avenues for promoting underrepresented artists by developing dedicated platforms and stages.
3. Cultural Design and Architecture - Potential for cultural design and architecture industries to innovate by integrating traditional artistic influences with contemporary venue designs.

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