Quirky Designer Posters

The Soiree Graphique 2012 Campaign Features Eccentric Props and Poses

It is only appropriate that the posters used for the Soiree Graphique 2012 campaign test the boundary of imagination in as quirky a way as possible. Relying solely on the use of fun props and strange photographic compositions, the images show just how creative the graphic design field can get. Not to mention eccentric.

The Soiree Graphique 2012 campaign was conceived and executed by KOMET, an ad agency based in Switzerland. The event itself took place late last year to great success. Art directed by Roland Zenger and Joël Weber with creative direction by Thom Pfister and graphic design by Natalia Funariu, the ad campaign most certainly played a big role in gaining a large turnout.
Trend Themes
1. Quirky Design - Opportunity for designers to push the boundaries of imagination and create unique and unconventional designs.
2. Eccentric Graphic Design - Emerging trend of using fun props and strange photographic compositions in graphic design campaigns to capture attention and stand out.
3. Creative Advertising Campaigns - Increasing demand for innovative and imaginative advertising campaigns that engage and excite the target audience.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunity for ad agencies to leverage quirky and eccentric design elements to create attention-grabbing campaigns and increase brand visibility.
2. Graphic Design - Growing market for graphic designers who can think outside the box and deliver unique and unconventional designs that make a lasting impact.
3. Event Management - Demand for event organizers to incorporate creative and visually captivating elements in their campaigns to attract a larger audience and make events more memorable.

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