Smell-o-Vision At Wal-Mart

Movies That Really Stink

Big screens and surround sound just aren't enough to attract DVD customers anymore. Wal-Mart is ready to take movie watching to the next level with "smell-o-vision", adding yet a third sensory experience to media at home.

The DVDs release scents through elextronic wafers at timed moments throughout the videos. Picture a group of young women primping for a night out and suddenly your living room is filled with the scent of Tom Ford's Black Orchid eau de parfum. Imagine watching Pirates of the Caribbean and having the loud firing of the canons accompanied by the smell of gun powder. Marvelous!

The new DVDs are said to be available early this summer. It'll make you think twice about playing certain movies though; no one wants to endure the vile smells accompanying Fat Bastard's trips to the bathroom in Austin Powers or Shrek's stinky home in the swamp. TV shows on DVD like Fear Factor or Survivor could be equally unpleasant.

Just how long will the smell linger? Imagine watching Grease and John Travolta is smoking up a storm... will you be able to get that tobacco odour out of your couch cushions? We'll have to wait and find out.

If they're smart they'll feature a disable feature. Just like there is "mute" or "subtitles off," they would have to feature a "shrink stink" option to keep consumers happy.
Trend Themes
1. Smell-o-vision Entertainment - The use of scents in entertainment media has the potential to create a unique and immersive experience for consumers.
2. Multi-sensory Home Experience - The addition of smell to home media devices can revolutionize the way in which individuals interact with and consume media.
3. Scent-based Technology - The development of technology that enables the incorporation of scent into various products provides opportunities for innovation in a range of industries.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment Industry - Introducing scent-based technology into various entertainment products can attract new customers and differentiate companies in the market.
2. Consumer Electronics Industry - The incorporation of smell technology into electronics such as TVs and streaming devices can provide companies with a unique selling point and edge out competitors.
3. Aromatherapy Industry - The creation of scent-based products for use in entertainment media could lead to new opportunities for companies in the aromatherapy industry.

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