Wooden Domino Tree

The Small Knocking Down the Big by Qiu Zhijie Shows 'Domino Magnification'

The Small Knocking Down the Big art installation beautifully depicts a tree using dominos. Nevertheless, these aren't a person's typical dominos. Crafted specifically for this work of art, the dominos range in size to demonstrate the effects of what is known as Domino Magnification. The premise is that any domino can knock over another one that is roughly 1.5 times larger, which means that a normal sized domino can lead to an object the size of the Empire State Building to topple down.

Created by Chinese artist Qiu Zhijie, the Small Knocking Down the Big art installation demonstrates this principle in a much more safe and aesthetically-pleasing way. The small branches exponentially get bigger as they connect with the larger trunk.
Trend Themes
1. Domino Magnification Art - Create more art installations and exhibitions that use the concept of Domino Magnification to incorporate both science and art.
2. Size Proportional Games - Create games that use the concept of Domino Magnification to make a game more challenging, interesting and unique.
3. Domino Engineering - Develop larger dominos that incorporate the principles of engineering, using the concept of Domino Magnification.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Incorporate the theme of Domino Magnification in exhibits and interactive installations.
2. Toy and Game - Create new games and toys that incorporate the concept of Domino Magnification.
3. Construction and Engineering - Exploring the use of larger dominos made from materials that are utilized for construction, such as steel, cement, or wood to concept prototype engineering projects.

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