Sous-Vide Cooking Tools

This Slow Cooker Accessory Monitors Heat Over Extended Periods of Time

This DorkFood DSV Temperature Controller slow cooker accessory was designed to make it easy to cook foods sous-vide—a method that involves cooking food sealed in an airtight plastic bag submerged in water for an extended period of time.

Although there are a number of specialty kitchen appliances specifically for cooking sous-vide, this DorkFood accessory makes it possible to turn an ordinary crock pot, rice cooker or bucket heater into a high-tech machine for a fraction of the cost. In addition to saving a ton of space in the kitchen, this device makes it possible to indulge in a variety of vacuum-packed foods that you may have only eaten in restaurants prior to discovering this handy device.
Trend Themes
1. Sous-vide Cooking - Opportunity for developing new sous-vide cooking tools and accessories for home chefs.
2. Slow Cooker Accessories - Opportunity to create innovative accessories that enhance the capabilities of slow cookers.
3. Alternative Cooking Methods - Opportunity to explore and develop new cooking methods for home chefs.
Industry Implications
1. Kitchen Appliances - Disruptive innovation in the kitchen appliance industry by creating new and improved sous-vide cooking tools.
2. Home Cooking - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the home cooking industry through the development of accessories that enhance the cooking experience.
3. Food Packaging - Opportunity to disrupt the food packaging industry by creating vacuum-packed foods tailored for home sous-vide cooking.

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