I could see myself falling in love all over again with my kitty if I saw her using the Skyscraper Scratching Post. This scratching post is designed to make your cat feel 100 feet tall with skyscraper-shaped scratching posts.
The Skyscraper Scratching Post is a great way to be entertained by your cat without having to throw it or dress it up in silly outfits. I know one kitty who is getting a new scratching post and who won't be thrown off the couch anymore come this Christmas.
Godzilla Cat Posts
The Skyscraper Scratching Post Makes Your Cat Feel 100 Feet Tall
Trend Themes
1. Novelty Pet Furniture - There is an opportunity for furniture manufacturers to create more novelty pet furniture items such as the Skyscraper Scratching Post
2. Humanizing Pets - The trend of humanizing pets has been on the rise and businesses can take advantage of this by designing products that cater to this trend.
3. Interactive Pet Products - The Skyscraper Scratching Post is an example of an interactive pet product that offers entertainment for both the owner and the pet, so there is potential for businesses to create more products that offer this kind of interaction.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Furniture Manufacturing - There is a market opportunity for pet furniture manufacturers to create more creative and interactive designs for pet owners
2. Pet Toys Manufacturing - The trend of humanizing pets and the need for interactive pet products creates a market for pet toys manufacturers.
3. Pet Supply Retail - Pet supply stores can benefit from carrying novelty pet furniture and interactive pet products to cater to the humanization of pets trend.