New York-based design firm Crosby Studios is the creative mind behind the interior design of the Silencia NYC nightclub located in Manhattan. It is defined by gold accents and rich-red tones applied to the fabric and lighting. This is all inspired by director David Lynch's work and this marks the second location for the Silencio -- Paris' flagship location was designed by Lynch as well.
The studio speaks about the signature tone and the design concept that fuelled the space, stating, "Being the next designer for Silencio, Harry wanted to have a dialogue with the director through the movies he grew up on. The signature red colour of [David Lynch] was heavily used to capture the true essence of modern-day New York. Harry wanted to create a space that felt sexy and as if you were in a movie."
Signature Bright Red Nightclubs
Crosby Studios Designs the Silencio NYC located in Times Square
Trend Themes
1. Red-themed Nightclubs - The Silencio NYC's use of signature red tones in its interior design reflects a growing trend of red-themed nightclubs.
2. Director-inspired Design - Crosby Studios' design concept for Silencio NYC, inspired by director David Lynch's work, represents a trend of incorporating the vision of renowned creatives into interior design.
3. Movie-like Experiences - The aim to create a space that feels sexy and as if you were in a movie, as seen in Silencio NYC, is part of a trend towards providing immersive and cinematic experiences in nightlife venues.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - The Silencio NYC's interior design by Crosby Studios highlights opportunities for innovative design solutions and immersive experiences in the field of interior design.
2. Hospitality and Entertainment - The success of the Silencio NYC and its director-inspired design suggests potential for disruptive innovation in the hospitality and entertainment industry by incorporating unique and visually striking design concepts.
3. Nightlife - The rise of red-themed nightclubs, exemplified by the Silencio NYC, presents opportunities for creativity and new experiences within the nightlife industry.