Street Art in Music Videos

Shepard Fairey's Work Featured in "Money" by N.A.S.A.

Graffiti and hip-hop have long had close ties, but the selection of Shepard Fairey's street art in the "Money" music video for N.A.S.A. gives this pairing a decidedly highbrow edge.

We've covered a wide variety of Shepard Fairey's work at Trend Hunter. As you'll recall, he was the artist that designed the infamous Obama "Hope" posters and "Obey" guerrilla campaign. The music video for N.A.S.A.'s "Money" uses Shepard Fairey's work throughout.

N.A.S.A. is a collaboration between Squeak E. Clean and DJ Zegon; the acronym stands for "North America, South America." Other artists featured in "Money" include David Byrne, Chuck D, Ras Congo, Seu Jorge, and Z-Trip, according to Chunnel. The video was directed by Syd Garon and Paul Griswold.
Trend Themes
1. High Art in Music Videos - Incorporating high art in music videos provides an opportunity for artistic expression and expands the audience of both the musician and the artist.
2. Graffiti Art Crossover - Graffiti artists and musicians collaborating can create a new and unique art form blending the two mediums in unexpected ways.
3. Street Art and Mainstream Music - Street art in mainstream media presents opportunities to showcase the art form to a wider audience and potentially drive new markets for artists and musicians.
Industry Implications
1. Music Industry - Incorporating high art in music videos provides an opportunity for artistic expression and expands the audience of both the musician and the artist.
2. Art Industry - Graffiti artists and musicians collaborating can create a new and unique art form blending the two mediums in unexpected ways.
3. Entertainment Industry - Street art in mainstream media presents opportunities to showcase the art form to a wider audience and potentially drive new markets for artists and musicians.

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