Outdoor-Inspired Sensory Play Areas

Atelier Satoshi Takijiri Architects Designed This Former Bank

A former bank is now a sensory play area for kids, as Atelier Satoshi Takijiri Architects remolded the interior of the facility to be a modern and appropriate space for children to explore.

According to the people behind the redesign, the interior's aesthetic was purposefully modeled after the outdoors, in an effort to allow children to feel as though they were playing outdoors, while still confined to the safety of the indoor space. This was achieved through the use of multiple arched doorways, which act as an indoor forest for children to weave in and out of. In addition, these doorways are draped with translucent sheets, separating each of the rooms, while still remaining open concept in design.
Trend Themes
1. Outdoor-inspired Sensory Play Areas - Designing indoor spaces to mimic outdoor environments promotes imaginative play and provides a safe and stimulating experience for children.
2. Indoor Forest Architecture - Creating an indoor forest-like environment utilizing arched doorways and translucent sheets offers unique and immersive experiences for children.
3. Open Concept Play Spaces - Designing play areas with open concept layouts encourages free movement and collaboration among children, fostering creativity and social interaction.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture and Interior Design - Architects and interior designers can explore innovative design concepts that integrate nature-inspired elements into indoor spaces to create engaging sensory play areas.
2. Education and Childcare - Educational institutions and childcare centers can adopt the concept of outdoor-inspired sensory play areas to enhance child development, stimulate imagination, and improve learning experiences.
3. Recreation and Entertainment - Recreation centers and entertainment venues can utilize the concept of indoor forest architecture to create unique and immersive play spaces, attracting families and providing memorable experiences.

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