Boastful Selfie Sweaters

This Selfie Sweater Tells Everyone You Love to Take Pictures of Yourself

If you're obsessed with taking selfies -- and it's okay to admit, after all most of us are -- this selfie sweater by hip clothing retailer Nasty Gal might be an item of clothing you should consider investing in.

This selfie sweater gets right to the point with the bold print of the word "selfie" right across the front. With a cropped and over-sized shape, this sweater is perfect for lounging about in and taking one too many Instagram selfies, spending hours choosing the filter and hashtaging the picture with "#letmetakeaselfie." This sweater ironically spoofs the classic Supreme logo by reversing the colors. Instead of a white sweater with Supreme written in red letting, this selfie sweater is red with Selfie written in white lettering.
Trend Themes
1. Selfie Fashion - The trend of incorporating selfies into fashion creates opportunities for brands to offer personalized and customizable products.
2. Irony Clothing - The trend of ironic clothing, like the Selfie Sweater, taps into an audience looking for unique and humorous apparel options.
3. Instagram-inspired Fashion - The trend of fashion inspired by Instagram culture creates opportunities for brands to tap into a highly engaged millennial and Gen Z market.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can tap into the selfie trend by creating customizable clothing with features like built-in phone holders or creative selfie-worthy designs.
2. Social Media Marketing - Brands can use selfie culture as a way to engage with their audience and create viral marketing campaigns that incorporate user-generated content.
3. Humor Apparel - Entrepreneurs and startups can tap into the trend of irony clothing by offering unique and clever apparel options that appeal to a specific target audience.

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