Lamp-Lit Scenic Photography

These Scenic Photos Celebrate Natural Light as Well as Man-Made Lamps

Immersing lamp designs in raw settings, these scenic photos flaunt the beauty of both nature and technological development. The series captures organic beauty in a Maldivian setting, while also focusing on the stunning qualities of new man-made light.

The photos were taken by Mai-Linh and directed by Olivier Guyot Foltzer for a French architecture and design-focused magazine. While the sky, sun and the sea are beautifully lit, so are the lamp designs featured in the photos. The titles of the lamps are related to nature -- translated from French, they are named 'Cloud', 'Totems', 'Fire', 'Birds.'

Many of the lamp installations are made of transparent PVC, blending in with their raw surroundings while glowing. The one installation called 'Cloud' is filled with air, which all the more reflects the theme of nature.
Trend Themes
1. Nature-inspired Lamp Designs - There is an opportunity for designers to create more lamp designs that are inspired by nature.
2. Organic Lighting Design - There is potential for the development of lighting systems that mimic natural light and blend well with outdoor settings.
3. Environmental Photography - There is a growing demand for scenic photography that showcases the beauty of natural and man-made elements in harmony.
Industry Implications
1. Lighting Industry - The lighting industry can explore opportunities to create more lamp designs that embrace and mimic nature.
2. Architecture Industry - The architecture industry can use organic lighting design to create more sustainable buildings and spaces in harmony with their surroundings.
3. Photography Industry - The photography industry can innovate ways to capture and showcase the beauty of organic and man-made environments in harmony.

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