Dependent Diseased Individuals

The Sativex Independent Thinking Ad Campaign Addresses Spasticity

Suffering from multiple sclerosis, an inflammatory disease, results in many debilitating symptoms including spasticity, which the Sativex Independent Thinking ad campaign targets. Spasticity manifests later in the disease and results in muscle spasm, weakness and stiffness. One of the biggest consequences of such a symptom is the loss of independence. This is illustrated in the Sativex Independent Thinking ad campaign.

Conceived and executed by Langland, an ad agency based in the United Kingdom, the Sativex Independent Thinking ad campaign was art directed by Andrew Morley with creative direction by Andrew Spurgeon and photography by Spencer Murphy. It depicts people suffering from spasticity going about daily activities such as brushing teeth and drinking coffee with the help of another person. It is a sad reality, but the Sativex drug hopes to help.
Trend Themes
1. Multiple Sclerosis Treatments - The Sativex Independent Thinking ad campaign highlights the opportunity for innovation in developing treatments for multiple sclerosis and its debilitating symptoms.
2. Addressing Spasticity - The Sativex Independent Thinking ad campaign emphasizes the need for disruptive innovation in addressing spasticity, a debilitating symptom of multiple sclerosis.
3. Enhancing Independence - The Sativex Independent Thinking ad campaign prompts the exploration of disruptive innovations that can enhance the independence and quality of life for individuals suffering from spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis.
Industry Implications
1. Pharmaceuticals - The Sativex Independent Thinking ad campaign presents an opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry to develop innovative drugs and treatments for multiple sclerosis and its associated symptoms.
2. Medical Devices - The Sativex Independent Thinking ad campaign highlights the potential for disruptive innovation in medical devices that can assist individuals with spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis in their daily activities.
3. Digital Health - The Sativex Independent Thinking ad campaign calls for disruptive innovations in digital health solutions that can empower individuals with multiple sclerosis to manage spasticity and regain independence.

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