Inflatable Politicians

Sarah Palin Love Doll

If you're into hot Sarah Palin photos, you may be one of the same people who would want a Sarah Palin love doll.

It was really only a matter of time before Sarah Palin became the theme of some adult toys, and quite frankly, I'm surprised it hadn't happened soon.

It's actually not Sarah Palin on the box, but a very good Sarah Palin look-a-like.

"Cross party lines with your own inflatable running mate!” the box says. "Blow her up and show her how you’re going to vote," and "It’s time some male interns caused a scandal in the Capitol."

First it was hot Sarah Palin photos that went crazy, then it was people looking for sexy Sarah Palin look-a-likes for adult movies, now it's the Sarah Palin love dolls... is there any more possibilities left for hot Sarah Palin scandals? I'm sure it won't be long before we find out...
Trend Themes
1. Inflatable Politicians - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a line of inflatable dolls based on popular political figures.
2. Adult Toys - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design and manufacture adult toys inspired by celebrities and public figures.
3. Sexualized Politics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the intersection of politics and sexuality by developing unique adult products.
Industry Implications
1. Sex Toy Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce new and unconventional adult toys to capture market share.
2. Entertainment Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create adult content featuring popular political figures to attract a niche audience.
3. Political Merchandise Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Expand product offerings to include unconventional political merchandise with a provocative twist.

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