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Samsung Canada Created a Safe Repair Solution for COVID-19

With its in-store locations closing during the COVID-19 pandemic, Samsung Canada has announced that it will be offering door-to-door services to consumers so that repair and other product needs can be met.

The updated services are already available in Canada, and can easily be accessed by calling in to the company's call center specialists, who can be reached at 1-800-SAMSUNG. From there, customers can diagnose the problem, and if necessary, set up a pick up time with FedEx to have their device repaired. FedEx will work with the customer to schedule a suitable pick up and delivery time, with the service covered by Samsung Canada for no extra fee. Before being sent back, every device will be throughly sanitized.

In addition, the company is offering remote support to help customers with device set up, solve performance issues, and more—with trained technicians available to remotely view and control devices in order to fix them.
Trend Themes
1. Door-to-door Repair Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing a contactless door-to-door repair service that addresses customer needs during the pandemic.
2. Remote Device Support - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating remote support solutions that allow technicians to diagnose and fix device issues without physical contact.
3. Sanitization and Hygiene Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Offering specialized sanitization and hygiene services for electronic devices for improved customer safety and peace of mind.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Transforming the consumer electronics industry by prioritizing contactless repair and support services.
2. Logistics and Delivery - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Revolutionizing the logistics and delivery industry by collaborating with shipping companies to provide seamless pick-up and drop-off services.
3. Remote Tech Support - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Redefining the tech support industry by implementing remote support solutions that enhance customer convenience and eliminate on-site visits.

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