Low-Plastic Seafood Packaging

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This Sainsbury’s Packaging Update Reduces Plastic Use

This Sainsbury’s packaging revamp has been announced by the brand as a way for the retailer to reduce its reliance on plastic packaging and elevate the sustainable nature of its products.

The brand is shifting to pulp paper trays for all of its salmon and trout products, which will reduce plastic use by 70% and can be recycled from home. The brand is also replacing additional plastic trays with cardboard options for its Taste the Different breaded fish and breaded chicken products. The various packaging updates are slated to save 694 tonnes of plastic per year.

Director of Product and Innovation Claire Hughes spoke on the Sainsbury’s packaging revamp saying, "We are now the first retailer to make the move to have recycled pulp card trays across all our bySainsbury’s and Taste the Difference salmon products, enabling a whopping 70% plastic reduction. Together with changes to our breaded fish and chicken packaging, we are set to save 694 tonnes of plastic a year – a significant step towards our plastic reduction goals."
Trend Themes
1. Recycled Pulp Paper Trays - The shift towards recycled pulp paper trays in seafood packaging significantly cuts down on plastic use and offers a greener alternative that can be conveniently recycled at home.
2. Cardboard Packaging for Perishables - Integrating cardboard trays instead of plastic for breaded fish and chicken products represents an eco-friendly shift that could catalyze further innovations in perishable food packaging.
3. Plastic Reduction Initiatives - Comprehensive strategies aimed at reducing plastic usage by 70% in packaging showcase the industry’s commitment to sustainability and the potential for large-scale environmental impact.
Industry Implications
1. Sustainable Food Packaging - The transition to low-plastic and recyclable materials underscores the growing movement towards sustainable food packaging solutions.
2. Retail Sector - Retail chains implementing eco-friendly packaging solutions can drive significant reductions in plastic waste, setting new standards for environmental responsibility.
3. Recycling and Waste Management - Advancements in packaging materials that enhance recyclability at home highlight important developments within the recycling and waste management industry.

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