Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh performed an experiment in which they used a monkey to control a robotic arm using its mind. The monkey in the video is actually feeding himself using the robotic arm.
Jason Chen stated, "If these test work—which they look like they do, the monkeys are feeding themselves successfully—you too can lop off your own arm, stroll into the emergency room, and feel confident that they’ll replace your missing appendage with the robotic equivalent. No wait! We mean in a couple of years!"
Robotic Arms For Monkeys
Mind-Controlled Appendage Used Successfully by Apes
Trend Themes
1. Mind-controlled Robotics - Opportunities for further study and development in creating mind-controlled robotic technology for human use.
2. Prosthetic Enhancements - Potential for developing advanced prosthetics that can be controlled by the user’s mind.
3. Neurological Research - Research into the nervous system, particularly neurological interfaces, that can further the development of mind-controlled robotics.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Opportunities for the development of prosthetic limbs and robotic surgery technology.
2. Manufacturing - Use of robotics in assembly lines and other industrial functions could be made more efficient with advancements in mind-controlled technology.
3. Military - Exploration into mind-controlled robotics could lead to advancements in battlefield technology and safer operations for military personnel.