Political Scandal T-Shirts

The Rob Ford Crack T-Shirt Makes Light of a Serious Issue

Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s recent shenanigans have brought some less-than-flattering attention to the city of Toronto. While some may feel embarrassed and worried about the reputation of the city, I personally reject those feelings. We should embrace that corrupt image; it’s what makes a "World Class City™," after all. Besides, what’s New York without the crime? Chicago without Al Capone? Amsterdam anyone?

This, at least, seems to be the attitude some people on the Internet have, as some have tried to capitalize on the scandal by making commemorative t-shirts. You can wear them even if you are a fan of Ford, seeing as some of his supporters have stated they will stand by him whether he does drugs or not. Unfortunately, the "I Smoked Crack with Rob Ford" isn’t on sale, but I’m sure as soon as the creator realizes that statement isn’t as much liable as it is possible, they will change their mind. Hopefully the new attention on Toronto will lead to more interest, which hopefully will lead to more tourism.
Trend Themes
1. Commemorative Scandal Merchandise - Opportunity for entrepreneurs to create unique and satirical products related to political scandals.
2. Embracing Controversial Image - Opportunity for cities or organizations to rebrand and capitalize on their notorious image.
3. Fan Loyalty in Scandalous Situations - Opportunity for businesses to create products or services that cater to loyal fanbases despite controversy.
Industry Implications
1. Merchandising - Disruptive innovation opportunity in creating unique and satirical products related to political scandals, tapping into a niche market.
2. City Tourism - Disruptive innovation opportunity for cities to rebrand and attract tourists by embracing their controversial image.
3. Public Relations - Disruptive innovation opportunity for businesses to develop strategies and services that cater to maintaining fan loyalty during scandalous situations.

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