Millennial-Targeted Safety Campaigns

This Campaign Aims to Crowdsource Road Safety Innovations

As part of SXSW 2016, Budweiser launched a new campaign that encourages young consumers to collaborate on road safety innovations. With so many millennials eager to make a difference in the world, this campaign provides a unique outlet for young adults interested in making the world a safer place.

The new campaign is called 'Tackle Impossible: A Force for Safer Roads' and it was debuted on March 12th at SXSW. To participate in the campaign, conference attendees are encouraged to share their road safety innovations through social media using the hashtag '#TackleImpossible.' In addition to sharing their ideas online, attendees are also encouraged to sign up for Budwiser's US Hackathon, which aims to find new solutions to tackle the issue of drinking and driving.

The new campaign demonstrates how brands can user the power of social media to leverage the ideas of young consumers.
Trend Themes
1. Crowdsourcing Road Safety Innovations - The campaign encourages young consumers to collaborate and share their ideas for road safety innovations through social media.
2. Millennials Making a Difference - The campaign taps into millennials' desire to make the world a safer place and provides them with a unique outlet to contribute.
3. Harnessing Social Media for Safety Campaigns - The campaign shows the potential of using social media as a platform to involve young consumers in promoting road safety.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Disruptive innovation opportunities include developing new technologies and features to improve road safety.
2. Beverage - Opportunities for disruptive innovation include creating new products or services that promote responsible drinking and reduce instances of drinking and driving.
3. Social Media - Innovations could include new platforms or tools that engage and empower young consumers in participating in campaigns related to social issues like road safety.

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