Rider Safety Gadgets

Ridersmate Sends Out Alerts If You Meet With an Accident

Ridersmate is a gadget that looks out for you if you're out and about in a secluded place and riding on your motorbike, bicycle or even your horse if that's what you ride. This gadget automatically sends text messages to let others know if you might be in trouble.

The Ridersmate unit is clipped onto the rider, while a cord on the other side of the device is clipped onto your ride. If you fall off your ride, the cord will come loose from its plug and prompt the sending of a message via GPRS. The message can be sent to up to three different people of your choice, and will alert them to your GPS coordinates, altitude and time of the incident.
Trend Themes
1. Personal Safety Gadgets - Opportunities for disruptive innovation include developing personal safety gadgets for individuals engaged in sports and outdoor activities with a focus on IoT and wearable technology.
2. Iot Wearable Technology - An opportunity for disruptive innovation is developing IoT wearable technology for the sports and outdoor industry with features that can send emergency messages when an individual is in trouble.
3. Smart Sports Equipment - Opportunities for disruptive innovation include developing intelligent sports equipment that has the ability to send emergency notifications in case of an accident or injury while out and about.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Equipment - There is an opportunity for disruptive innovation in developing sports equipment with built-in IoT and sensors to assist individuals when engaged in outdoor activities.
2. Wearable Technology - Developing wearable technology that caters to the safety needs of individuals engaged in outdoor activities presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the Wearable technology industry.
3. Iot Industry - Opportunities for disruptive innovation include developing solutions in the IoT industry with a focus on personal safety for individuals who are participating in outdoor activities such as cycling, horse riding, and motorcycling.

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