Recalibrating Sleep Wearables

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retimer 3 Uses Light Therapy to Manage Sleep and Wakefulness

The world's first blue-green light therapy wearable launched worldwide in 2012 and since then, the innovation has been retooled to introduce the next-generation retimer 3 to support the ever-changing needs of the sleep market.

At the World Sleep Congress 2023, retimer 3 received positive feedback from sleep experts and it went on to share its best features at Arab Health, Dubai 2024 and the Health Optimization Summit in London 2024. Now, retimer 3 is launching with a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.

The app-paired retimer 3 helps with managing, monitoring and aligning one's circadian rhythm to lifestyle needs to address everything from jet lag and irregular working hours to sleep upset. With this wearable device, blue-green light is delivered to the under-eye area in a way that's unintrusive yet beneficial.
Trend Themes
1. Light-therapy Wearables Advancement - The evolution of light-therapy wearables like retimer 3 demonstrates the potential for personalized circadian rhythm management in everyday life.
2. Crowdfunding Health-tech Innovations - Launching health-tech products through crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter unlocks new avenues for consumer-driven innovation and early market validation.
3. App-integrated Wellness Devices - The integration of wellness devices with mobile applications can enhance user engagement by providing tailored health insights and continuous monitoring.
Industry Implications
1. Wearable Health-tech - Wearable health technology is rapidly evolving to include sophisticated functionalities like light therapy for circadian rhythm management.
2. Digital Health Platforms - Digital health platforms now incorporate advanced wearables, offering comprehensive solutions for sleep management and overall wellness.
3. Crowdfunding and Consumer Tech - The intersection of crowdfunding and consumer technology is transforming how health-tech products are developed, funded, and brought to market.

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