Origami-Inspired Steel Art Sculptures

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Jyhling Lee Created the Stainless Steel Reflector Sculpture

Local designer Jyhling Lee has designed the Reflector sculpture, which is a stainless steel art piece inspired by an origami bowl located on Queen West in Toronto. It is a mirrored design that measures about 5 meters by 3 meters with a range of angled planes that are clad with stainless steel material. It forms half a circle and joins at the ground at various spiked points.

Lee speaks to Dezeen about the new sculpture, stating "My initial folded paper origami studies were of bowl-like forms which could offer an experiential space within and around its form, as well as being self-supporting. What began as a more enclosed bowl was opened up – towards Queen Street West – to create an invitation for the public to enter the sculptural space to interact with its interior, as well as its exterior."
Trend Themes
1. Origami-inspired Design - Integrating traditional origami techniques with modern materials like stainless steel to create innovative public art installations.
2. Experiential Art - Art that encourages public interaction and engagement by offering both interior and exterior interactive spaces.
3. Reflective Surfaces - Utilizing mirrored stainless steel surfaces in public sculptures to create dynamic visual experiences through reflection.
Industry Implications
1. Public Art - Designing art installations that are accessible to the public and encourage interaction and community engagement.
2. Urban Design - Incorporating large-scale artistic structures that enhance the aesthetic and experiential qualities of urban spaces.
3. Material Innovation - Advancing the use of durable, reflective materials like stainless steel in creative and structural applications.

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