First Aid for Pets

Red Cross Classes for First Responders to Animal Emergencies

Many don’t know that the Red Cross offers pet first aid classes. The classes can be cat- or dog-centric and include basic emergency care for pets. Other organizations also offer horse first aid classes.  

Emergency recognition, assessment, CPR, and bleeding control are among the topics typically covered. Many Red Cross chapters teach students to perform CPR and rescue breathing with specially modified stuffed animals: Think Annie, the human CPR doll with fur.

The pet mannequins allow practice without animal injury, as it is possible to crack an animal’s ribs with CPR. Making emergency muzzles out of cloth strips is also a learned skill. Normally docile animals in pain may bite.

Classes are available from the Red Cross and organizations like PetTech: it offers an 8-hour PetSaver Program class.
Trend Themes
1. Red Cross Pet First Aid Classes - Opportunities for pet care businesses and veterinary clinics to partner with the Red Cross or offer similar classes.
2. Pet Emergency Preparedness - Opportunities for companies to develop pet emergency preparedness kits or for pet stores to offer workshops on disaster preparedness.
3. Pet Health Technology - Opportunities for companies to create pet health monitoring devices that can alert owners and veterinarians to emergencies.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Care - Pet care businesses and veterinary clinics can partner with the Red Cross or offer similar classes.
2. Emergency Preparedness - Companies can develop emergency preparedness kits, and pet stores can offer workshops on disaster preparedness.
3. Technology - Companies can create health monitoring devices specifically for pets.

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