Youth Supporting Fundraiser Programs

‘Raise Some Dough’ Supports Local Schools and Programing

Cubby’s Convenience Stores’ fundraiser program ‘Raise Some Dough’ supports local schools and youth programming. Since 2018, it has raised and donated over $80,000. As mentioned in the C-Store Decisions article, the "funds donated are completely discretional and have been used to purchase classroom resources, playground equipment, athletic equipment or to support educational programming."

The new initiative helps the community uplift and provides opportunities for the youth, which ultimately gives consumers a feel-good reason to shop there. On top of all of this, for every large Godfather’s Pizza Express sold, Chubby’s donates $1 to school districts. Raise Some Dough’s efforts have already helped and supported those in the Red Oak Iowa Community Schools District and Blair Nebraska Community Schools, to name a few.
Trend Themes
1. Youth Fundraiser Programs - The success of Cubby's Convenience Stores' 'Raise Some Dough' program highlights the potential of youth fundraiser programs in supporting local communities and institutions.
2. Corporate Social Responsibility - Cubby's Convenience Stores' initiative demonstrates the importance of corporate social responsibility in creating positive impact in the community.
3. Cause Marketing - The use of cause marketing efforts in conjunction with sales can drive both revenue growth and social good, as exemplified by Chubby's donation program.
Industry Implications
1. Convenience Stores - Convenience stores and other retail businesses can leverage the success of charity and fundraiser programs to drive brand loyalty and sales growth.
2. Education - Education institutions can benefit from partnerships with local businesses and fundraiser programs, and can use charitable donations to support vital programs and resources.
3. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can explore incorporating charitable donations and cause marketing into their sales models to create a positive impact and enhance brand loyalty among consumers.

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