OK boys, listen up, it's time you stopped counting on the ladies to care for birth control. No more excuses that you're not willing up to give up your manhood for good; there is now a reversible vasectomy... and it's controlled by radio.
The contraceptive implant is being developed in Australia. Unlike most female contraceptive, it doesn't prevent the body from producing its natural baby making tools; it works by controlling the flow of the sperm via an implant in the vas deferens, so the sperm can't make it from the testicles to the penis. When he does want it to be released, is up to him. All he'll have to do is flick the switch on the remote, and the channel will be unblocked. Think of it like a garage door opener.
"The silicone-polymer valve can be flipped between open and closed positions with a pulse of radio waves," New Scientist explained. "A set of conducting 'fingers' on the valve act as antennae and convert the signal's energy into sound waves that travel through the polymer and create stresses inside the device.
Fantastic! Now you can never get mad that your girlfriend forgot to take her pill... and ladies, it's time to get creative when coming up with new excuses!
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Radio-Controlled Contraceptives
Reversible Vasectomy
Trend Themes
1. Remote-controlled Contraceptives - The development of remote-controlled contraceptives can lead to a new age of control and convenience in family planning.
2. Reversible Vasectomy - The concept of reversible vasectomy can open up new possibilities in male birth control and challenge traditional practices.
3. Implant Technology - The use of implant technology for birth control can create a market for innovative contraceptive products that provide more options to consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can leverage remote-controlled contraceptives for improved family planning services, patient comfort, and convenience.
2. Consumer Electronics - The consumer electronics industry can explore the development of small and convenient remote control devices for contraceptive implants.
3. Biotechnology - The biotechnology industry can contribute towards the research and development of advanced implant technology for contraceptive products that are more efficient and convenient.