Royal Fan Fantasy Shows

The Queen Visited 'Game of Throne' Set in Belfast

Nothing solidifies the status of something like the seal of approval from a true royal; that is exactly what happened in Belfast when the Queen visited 'Game of Throne' set. Although she didn't actually take the liberty of sitting on the Iron Throne itself, she probably has more claim on it than any of the actors on hand to greet her including Lena Headey, Kit Harington and Sophie Turner.

Amidst the flashing lights of cameras, the Queen visited 'Game of Throne' set. Accompanied by Prince Philip, her presence proves just how widespread an audience the hit HBO television show has. Aside from the fact that it predominantly casts actors of European descent, the fanastical show reaches people of all ages and walks of life. Granted, it isn't clear if she truly is a fan.
Trend Themes
1. Royal Approval of Pop Culture - The seal of approval from a royal figure can solidify the status of a particular pop culture phenomenon, providing opportunities for related merchandise and products.
2. Cross-industry Collaboration - The visit of the Queen to the 'Game of Thrones' set highlights the possibilities of collaboration between the entertainment and royalty industries.
3. Pop Culture Global Reach - The Queen's visit also shows that pop culture is a global phenomenon that can appeal to audiences across different countries and cultures.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment Industry - The entertainment industry can leverage the impact of a royal visit to attract more viewers and generate higher revenue.
2. Merchandising Industry - Merchandising companies can capitalize on the seal of approval from a royal figure to create new product lines and increase sales.
3. Tourism Industry - The tourism industry can create new packages and experiences around pop culture phenomena, attracting visitors who want to relive the experiences of their favorite shows and movies.

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