High-Strength Grain Spirits

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Quarter Proof Unveils a New Rebranded Identity and Increased ABV

Quarter Proof proudly announces the launch of its rebranded identity and revitalized product lineup, including the introduction of Quarter Proof Three Grain Spirit (Vodka).

Quarter Proof's portfolio currently features two award-winning products: the London Dry ‘G/N’ and Blanco ‘T/QUILA.’ In a strategic move to enhance product categorization within the industry, the company has decided to increase the alcohol by volume (ABV) of its spirits from 12% to 15%.

Quarter Proof has also embarked on a comprehensive rebranding initiative, encompassing all aspects of brand identity, packaging, and digital presence. The new packaging features labels with a minimalist, modern design and bold colors, reflecting each spirit's unique flavor profiles.

In addition to upgrading its existing products, Quarter Proof will launch its new Vodka, the ‘Three Grain Spirit,’ on June 17th, further expanding its diverse range.

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