Bar-Coded Birth Control

'' Tracks Your Location

'' is a new website put in place by Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest to promote safe sex.

The condoms are donned with QR codes so users can scan them so their location is uploaded to an online map. Once uploaded, the users are asked a few questions about gender and orientation to give readers some background on the users. All uploads are kept anonymous to keep the website from becoming a bragging ground to friends. It is a fun, interactive and completely brilliant concept.

'' is a great way for sexually active youth to see just how many times condoms are being used by young adults. The website jives with the mentality that if you're going to have sex, you might as well be safe.
Trend Themes
1. QR Code Contraceptives - This trend presents an opportunity for companies to come up with innovative ways to promote safe sex through interactive QR codes.
2. Location-based Sexual Health Tracking - This trend presents an opportunity for companies to leverage location data and anonymity to create engaging and educational platforms for promoting safe sex.
3. Gamification of Safe Sex - This trend presents an opportunity for companies to gamify safe sex and provide a fun and interactive way to promote sexual health.
Industry Implications
1. Sexual Wellness Industry - This industry can capitalize on the concept of gamifying safe sex and using technology like QR codes and location data to promote sexual health and wellness.
2. Technology Industry - This industry can take advantage of location-based data, QR code technology, and anonymity to create innovative safe sex apps and platforms.
3. Healthcare Industry - This industry can utilize innovative technologies like QR codes and location tracking to create educational tools for promoting sexual health and wellness among youth.

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