PUMA and Big Sean worked in collaboration once again, following the powerful streak of the duo's ongoing partnership. This time, the two forces dropped a series of sleek streetwear options for the fast-approaching fall season. The collaborative collection sees silhouettes including hoodies, hockey jerseys, pants and varsity jackets -- there are also some unique textural touches, including satin materials and fuzzy pieces. The designs boast bold branding details with large PUMA letters and the co-branding logo "D."
The color palette is different from the duo's previous bright work as this takes a darker route with monochromatic hues hitting fleece and satin fabrics. Some highlighting pieces include the varsity jacket in black satin with white contrasting piping details along with its matching pleated trousers with satin side striping details alongside zippers.
Rapper Collaborative Streetwear
PUMA and Big Sean Worked Together on a Collection for Fall
Trend Themes
1. Collaborative Streetwear Collections - There is an opportunity for brands to collaborate with musicians, artists and other influential figures within the streetwear and fashion industries to create unique apparel collections.
2. Monochromatic Hues in Fashion Design - There is an opportunity for fashion designers to experiment with monochromatic color palettes to create stylish and minimalist apparel designs that appeal to consumers.
3. Textural Touches in Fashion Design - There is an opportunity for fashion designers to incorporate unique textures, such as satin and fuzzy fabrics, into streetwear apparel designs to create eye-catching and stylish pieces.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion and Apparel - Fashion and apparel brands can utilize streetwear collections to reach younger consumers who are interested in trendy and unique apparel designs.
2. Music - Music artists can expand their brands and reach new audiences by collaborating with fashion and streetwear brands to create stylish apparel collections.
3. Retail - Retailers can partner with streetwear and fashion brands to offer exclusive and limited edition collections that are highly sought after by consumers.