The Atheist Bus Campaign, a brilliant publicity stunt, launched in London today. The project goal is to raise £5,500 to run 30 buses across the capital for four weeks with the slogan:
"There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
Donations could be made online and Professor Richard Dawkins, bestselling author of The God Delusion, generously agreed to match the donations. As the campaign raised £5,500, his donation helped bring the campaign total to £11,000.
All donations are managed by The British Humanist Association. The aim of the project is to brighten people's days and raise awareness of atheism in the UK.
It was a great project as it was, but it was even more incredible that they raised the cash in just one hour and six minutes. They are now planning to advertise inside the buses as well.
This idea rocks!
Guerrilla Anti-Religion Campaigns
UK Atheist Busvertising
Trend Themes
1. Atheist Bus Campaign - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore creative and attention-grabbing ways to raise awareness for atheism.
2. Guerrilla Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop unconventional advertising strategies to make a strong impact.
3. Fundraising Power - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Find innovative ways to quickly raise funds for impactful projects.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate bold messaging and unconventional formats in advertising campaigns.
2. Nonprofit - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Leverage creative tactics to raise awareness and funds for nonprofit organizations.
3. Education & Advocacy - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop engaging strategies to promote atheism and stimulate conversations around religion.