Renovated Neo-Gothic Provostry

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Studio Acht Renovates a 19th-Century Provestry with Modern Touches

Czech design firm Studio Acht has taken on the project of renovating the 19th-century provostry in Prague's St Vitus Cathedral. The process blended intricate restoration with contemporary accents -- it is nestled in the historic walled structure of Prague Castle. The building was partially destroyed after it was seized b both the Nazis and the Communist regime -- it has since been mostly abandoned since the 50s as a result.

The chief architect Václav Hlaváček spoke to Dezeen about the project, sharing "An important aspect of the spatial modelling of the new annexes was to complement the northern panorama of Prague Castle. The task was not to disrupt this compact area of fortress-like character while opening it up to the Deer Moat."
Trend Themes
1. Modern-historic Architecture - The blending of contemporary design with historic restoration offers a unique aesthetic in architectural projects.
2. Adaptive Reuse - Transforming abandoned historical structures into functional modern spaces provides a sustainable approach to architecture.
3. Architectural Preservation - Preserving and restoring buildings with historical significance while integrating modern elements enhances cultural heritage.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Innovative architectural practices focus on merging modern design with historical elements to create unique structures.
2. Construction - The construction industry is involved in the adaptive reuse of historic buildings, emphasizing sustainable and innovative renovation techniques.
3. Cultural Heritage - The cultural heritage sector prioritizes the preservation and adaptive reuse of historical sites to maintain their relevance and utility.

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