The clever Pringles Duck Lip campaign invites consumers to capture, name and share their favorite pose with the iconic chip-lip look for a chance to be featured in their next video. The intriguing campaign is a great way to ensure consumer engagement, especially on social media, given the high chance of any user featured sharing the video across their own platform. The Pringles Duck Lip campaign is also supported by the #PringlesDuckLip hashtag.
The Pringles Duck Lip campaign is particularly clever in its reclaiming of the playful act of wearing two inverted Pringles chips over one's lips as an instantly recognizable and memorable brand experience. In combining this strategy with an engaging social media strategy that sees consumers as the source of content, the campaign becomes one that is organically shareable and cost-efficient.
Meme-Inspired Snack Campaigns
This Pringles Duck Lip Ad Spoofs Selfie Habits with User Photos
Trend Themes
1. User-generated Content - The Pringles Duck Lip campaign leverages user-generated content to create an engaging and shareable brand experience.
2. Social Media Engagement - The campaign utilizes social media platforms to encourage consumer engagement and sharing.
3. Playful Brand Experience - The campaign turns a playful Pringles chip-lip look into a memorable brand experience.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can explore using user-generated content to create interactive snack campaigns.
2. Advertising and Marketing - The advertising and marketing industry can incorporate social media strategies to enhance consumer engagement in campaigns.
3. Consumer Packaged Goods - Consumer packaged goods companies can consider incorporating playful elements into their brand experiences to make their products more memorable.