Modern Design-Exploring Art Objects

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MSCHF Slices the Tips off the Pratone Chair by Gufram

The Lower East Side's Perrotin gallery is the host of the newly dissected Pratone chair by the art collective MSCHF. The chair was originally created by Italian furniture firm Gufram and the new variation is a part of the For Industry Plants exhibition that was launched to connect Gufram's work in Italy's 1960s Radical Design movement and modern consumerism in art spaces.

The two join forces on the Pratone chair and Cactus coatrock that are stripped back to unveil its radical beginnings. The co-founder of MSCHF, Kevin Wiesner shares with Dezeen, "We selected two Gufram objects from the design canon that are artificial (foam even!) but simulacra of natural objects, namely plants! We then set out to further investigate this artificiality, by cutting the grass to reveal the flesh, and by mounting America's favorite 5G hardware to the cactus."
Trend Themes
1. Dissected Art Furniture - Art objects, like the recently dissected Pratone chair by MSCHF, are being re-imagined to expose their original radical design principles.
2. Historic Art Reinterpretation - The collaboration between MSCHF and Gufram represents a growing trend of revisiting and deconstructing historic art pieces to reveal their underlying concepts.
3. Artificiality Exploration - Artists are increasingly exploring the theme of artificiality, as exemplified by MSCHF's modification of Gufram's Pratone chair and Cactus coat rack, which spotlight the intersection of nature and synthetic materials.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design Industry - The field of art and design is witnessing a surge in projects that merge historic design with modern consumer insights, such as the dissected Pratone chair at Perrotin gallery.
2. Furniture Design Industry - The furniture design industry is being disrupted by innovative reinterpretations of classic pieces, where designers like MSCHF and Gufram collaborate to peel back layers of traditional art objects.
3. Exhibition and Gallery Industry - Art exhibitions and galleries are increasingly showcasing works that challenge traditional perceptions by revealing the inner workings and conceptual roots of iconic pieces, such as in the For Industry Plants exhibition.

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