BASF India, the Indian branch of the Germany-headquartered chemical producer BASF SE, has launched an innovative and powerful insecticide that is designed to make it easier than ever for farmers to go about gaining an advantage over the wide variety of insect pests that can threaten their crops, hamper their yields and damage their livelihood.
The 'Exponus' insecticide makes use of a novel chemical called broflanilide, which works by preventing the transmission of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which results in the nervous systems of insects being over-excited, leading to incapacitation. In addition to this creative mechanism, this powerful insecticide is also designed to spread and act in a rapid manner, which makes it a great solution to wield in farms and environments where there are a variety of crops that face different insect threats.
Farm-Friendly Insecticides
This Powerful Insecticide Tackles a Variety Of Crop Pests
Trend Themes
1. Innovative Insecticides - The use of chemicals like broflanilide to disrupt insect nervous systems presents an opportunity for companies to create highly effective and targeted pest-control products.
2. Rapid-acting Solutions - Farmers need insecticides that can act quickly to address infestations before too much damage is done, making rapid-acting solutions a potentially disruptive innovation opportunity.
3. Neurotransmitter Inhibitors - Chemicals that target specific neurotransmitters like GABA offer a way to reliably incapacitate insects without harming other organisms, opening up new possibilities for environmentally-friendly insecticides.
Industry Implications
1. Agriculture - The agriculture industry is always in need of more effective and targeted pest-control products that can ensure healthy crops and high yields.
2. Chemical Manufacturing - Companies in the chemical manufacturing industry can leverage innovations in insecticide development to create new products that offer greater benefits to farmers and other users.
3. Environmental Protection - The use of environmentally-friendly insecticides and other pest-control techniques is becoming increasingly important to ensuring a healthy and sustainable planet, making it a key area of focus for companies in the environmental protection industry.