Shoe-Infused Shadow Photography

'I'm Not There' by Pol Ubeda Hervas Casts a Deeper Meaning

'I'm Not There' by Pol Ubeda Hervas is a series of images that displays a man looking at his shadow. The only thing is that the man has been removed from the pictures and all that is left is a pair of sneakers and a reflective dark shape.

Hervas was inspired to create this series because he said "I don’t recognize myself any more. These photos express this feeling." The images have a dark and reflective feel as if someone is looking in the mirror and no longer recognizes who they've become. Hervas does leave the shoes in the images though because he wants to remind onlookers that there is still a man somewhere behind the shadow.

I'm Not There by Pol Ubeda Hervas doesn't need a person in the pictures because one can tell by the shape of the shadow that the person is in deep reflection.
Trend Themes
1. Shadow-inspired Photography - Opportunity for photographers to explore the concept of removing human subjects and focusing on shadows to convey deeper meanings.
2. Reflective Art - Artists can use reflective surfaces and objects to create thought-provoking and introspective pieces that explore the concept of self-identity.
3. Visual Representations of Self-reflection - Artists can use visual mediums such as photography to depict the process of self-reflection and convey complex emotional experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Art - Fine artists can incorporate the concept of removing human subjects and using shadows to create evocative and impactful artworks that resonate with viewers.
2. Photography - Photographers can experiment with the use of shadows and reflective surfaces to create visually engaging and conceptually rich photographs that evoke introspection and contemplation.
3. Creative Advertising - Ad agencies and brands can employ the idea of removing human subjects and incorporating shadows in advertisements to create a sense of mystery, intrigue, and self-reflection.

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